G-Side Pride

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Start Of Many Things

So here is an update of my life... First things first. I got engaged on Christmas. It was awesome and I love Kristina and can not wait to spend the rest of my life with her. She went to high school with me and we met when i called her a name that shouldnt be repeated. She then went and slapped me in the face and the rest as they say is history.
A second story of my life... I transfered back home. I go to Community College and am enoying seeing family and Kristina a lot more. I liked and didn't like Millersville. It was nice and all but not like home.
For a third...I love the Phillies. They are about to clinch their third straight division tonight and i couldnt be happier. They are my team. I am first a Phillies fan then second a baseball fan and third a fan of everything else except soccer and field hockey.
A fourth...I have enjoyed many things like working at a nightclub. It was an intersesting experience for me. I couldn't believe some of the people that were pulling into the parking lot. Some were just crazy. Also fantasy football has started again and my team stinks. I currently am 1-2 and it may become time to start thinking about next year. I am worried because some of my early picks have shown nothing. It bothers me. People should perform to standards. If Slaton and Portis and ToJo would just score it would be alright.
In the land of DJMEAKS, the new Dave Matthews Band CD is fantastic. I love it and love them.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Funny TV Show

Since I cannot sleep right now I decided to blog again. Lately I have not been in the mood to blog so this is fun. For some reason I like Tv. I have watched many Tv shows and the one that I find to be the funniest is Two and a Half Men. My favorite character is Berta the maid. She always has a funny comment for everything that the men do. I wish there was someone in my life who did that. Kristina does sometimes but not all the timme and I like laughter. Anyway TV shows are funny. Night everyone out there.

I Love and miss KAP

Dustland Fairytale - The Killers

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Whole Life

For my entire life, I have been a Phillies fan. The first Phillies game I went to was in 1993, the year the Phillies last went to the World Series. I have gone to at least one Phillies game every year since then and loved them all. I saw some good teams. I saw some pretty bad teams as well. The best team I have ever seen is this years team. They are my favorite. They win as a team, they lose as a team and their mood never changes. They have been underestimated by al of the national media except the Brewers series and I wouldn't have had it any other way. They have shown everyone what it means to win as a team and I hope they finish this thing off. Something has to be going right when our pitcher hits a homerun. That is the best. All I have to say is GO PHILLIES!!!!

I love and miss KAP

Fly - SugarRay


Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Last night, I got to thinking about the traditions in my life and how I really like them. Two that are kinda close to happening are Thanksgiving and Christmas. Each has history. For Thanksgiving, I wake up and go to play a football game with some of my uncles and cousins. We have fun and enjoy it more for the laughter than anything else. Yes someone gets hurt in some way every year but it is still a fun time. After that I go home and watch football until it is time to leave for dinner. Everyone shows up to my grandmoms house with a dish or two or three and it is a combined effort for Thanksgiving. It is deleicious food and it is awesome to have everyone sitting around one big table. It has been this way for as long as I can remember.

Another Holiday that has a lot of tradition is Christmas. My Christmas really starts on Christmas Eve. Everyone gets together for a more casual dinnner/lunch than at Thanksgiving but it is still fun. All of my younger cousins run around and play and it is just a good time. Then some of us go to church. We go at night that way it is one less thing to do in the morning. You can just concentrate on opening presents and laying around. On Christmas morning, my sister and I are a pain. We wake my parents up whenever we feel like it. We open presents and there is always something good there for me. Then we get dressed and travel to my aunt and uncles house. we go for breakfast and to see what my cousins got. This started when they used to live around the corner from us but they now live about an hour away but we still make the trek.

I love my family and I love traditions. Hopefully mine won't change.

I love and miss KAP

Iris - Goo Goo Dolls


Monday, September 29, 2008


I have been at college for one month and a few days. I still have two and a half more months until the semester is over. How can a teacher call this a midterm on Wednesday? I mean it makes it sound as if it is more important than it is. It is worth twenty percent of my grade and that is a lot but I am not stressing about it and reading all of my notes over and the book and I want to stab the book and rip it to pieces. That is how I feel about that.

I love and miss KAP

Comin To Your City - Big & Rich


Thursday, September 25, 2008


Im not doing it tonight

I love and miss KAP

In Da Club -50 Cent


Dinner and Dancing

This weekend, I get the honor of going on a Dinner cruise with my beautiful girlfriend. We will be dancing the night away on the Spirit of Philadelphia. I hope it is as enjoyable as i think it will be. It is raining here and I am not a big fan of that. I hate having to walk to classes in the rain because it makes me pissed off for the rest of class. For now this is all I have to say.

I love and miss KAP

Devils and Dust - Bruce Springsteen


Tuesday, September 23, 2008


For a while it has occured to me that my ideas for blogs have been slim to none. This is why I have not been blogging with any regularity. Tonight I can't sleep. I find myself awake yping this in and importing music into my computer which is way overdue. I love music but recently I have not found the time to spend with it. I used to make time just to listen to music or find new tunes.
A couple of days ago Kristina reminded me that iTunes does this wonderful thing where they have a free single of the week. This weeks was from a band I had never heard of which I guess is reasonable since that is the point and I downloaded the song. It is actually pretty good. I also heard it on TV the next day during a show which I found interesting. I think music really helps people get through some tough shit. It helps artists when they write about their experiences but I think it helps people out a lot. I know when I get down about things or upset about something, the two things I do is put on my sleep mix and I listen to music while I fall asleep. It helps me release whatever is going on and just try and get back to normal.
I have a feeling that this is going to be one of the nights that I have where I can not fall asleep. Nothing that I do can stop it from happening and nothing that I do causes it to happen. I end up spending most of my night thinking about nothing at all but just thinking. Does that happen to anybody? There are nights where I know what is bothering me and I know how to fix it or at least make it go away till morning. Not with this. This sits here like the friend tha won't leave you alone or the crazy neighbor tha won't move. That reminds me of someone.
The ladies who used to live next to my house were mean. They would yell at us in advance because they thought that we would always be up to something. When we would play touch football we would make rules up just so her car would not be in affected yet she would still yell at us. Sometime within the last two years they moved away. I do not know who lives there now. I think someone does.
Another thing I like to do with music is steal it. I love looking through other people's CDs and borrowing them to make a copy of my own. I do not do it to sell I just do it to have new music to listen to. Sometimes it is bands that I have heard are good but never really listened to or it is music from a band I like that I do not have. I am also an album fan not a single fan. I would rather have a whole CD then just the one popular song.
OK I think this is enough for now. I will try again to go to sleep. If it does not work there will be another post waiting for everyone who reads this.

I love and miss KAP

Beautiful Disaster - Kelly Clarkson